Illuminati Investments

We analyze stocks based on your inquiries and if we believe a stock has great potential, and we introduce small start-up companies, and other entrepreneurial ventures. In addition, we discuss ways to improve businesses, social media, and new technology in the business world.


Caution: Beware of the Social Networking and Mobile Bubble

If you have stocks in social networking or mobile companies, I advise you to thoroughly evaluate the company's "real" value.

Let me expand - social networking and mobility is the new trend for upcoming companies. Thousands of these companies have been bought and sold - much like hot-potato, who ever is stuck with it when the music stops get burned.

For example, you haven't already heard, there's a new iPhone app called "Color".The Color application chooses which pictures you see from the continuous stream based on your location and how often you have been sharing photos with someone else.Every photo and video taken with the Color app is public, not only to the people you consider your friends, but also to any one within your proximity, even strangers.Color is already available to download for free from iTunes and will soon also be available to download on Android.

This cost a whopping $41 million dollars to start-up. What are their aims? Probably to be bought by facebook for $100 million or more. We are heading into another ""-type crisis. Remember was a web radio company founded as "AudioNet" in September 1995. Its value was heightened during the buildup of the bubble. In April 1999, Yahoo! acquired the company for $5.7 billion in stock and renamed it Yahoo! Broadcast Solutions.

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